Seducing a Woman Over Text - 7 Examples of Building Tension

how to seduce a woman over text

Set the sails, amigo!

Today nosotros ride on the vast seas of texting.

If you've clicked on this article, the chances are that you're interested in 1 (or even more than – you playboy) women right now.

It doesn't affair where yous met her. Whether…

  • Through your circle of friends
  • Via your studies/job
  • On the street, because yous approached her like a boss
  • In a bar/club
  • Through your Justin Bieber fan lodge membership

Perhaps you've already had the chance to accept a great conversation, flirted wildly, laughed heartily, and possibly even tore your clothes off mentally.

And then, you lot exchanged numbers.

Or: She's already known to you, and you want to initiate contact with her.

Alack-a-mean solar day! What am I talking almost…

You lot want to WIN her eye.

That wouldn't exist such a struggle if your inner demons wouldn't misfile you all the time.

They cake you lot so much that you start to overthink every trivial thing, especially when it comes to seducing her via texting.

  • "How practice I make her desire to meet me?"
  • "Practice I inquire her out direct? If non, how long should I await?"
  • "Should I utilize emojis?"
  • "What do I exercise if she doesn't replay?"
  • "Why is pi exactly three.14159?"

Amigo, amigo, amigo! If you ask yourself these questions and randomly tap the buttons on your telephone, and so this is nigh likely the start of the end.

Because in your text messages, this uncertainty is transported subconsciously.

But, thank God, you clicked on this article.

Considering today we're going to pulverize your insecurities once and for all and show you how to get her excited.

You become:

  • seven Tips how to seduce women over text
  • Seductive text letters y'all can shamelessly take over from me
  • What you can learn about attraction from the FBI
  • Funny things to text a girl:
  • A give-and-take that generates More results and More matches for yous (according to scientific discipline)
  • Seductive messages for her: How you add more than spice to your messages than a bottle of Chili sauce
  • How yous can easily become her on a appointment without looking similar a needy maggot
  • And much more how to seduce a daughter over text

By the way, have you seen my gratis Transformation Kit?

You'll get my best stuff admittedly free: 12 Opening lines that actually work, my five best texting tips (including copy-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit here.

Tip #ane: Don't exist an FBI amanuensis

You have feelings for her. I'm happy for you.

Just if you can't control your emotions, it could be unsafe for yous.

Why unsafe?

Because feelings don't ever aid you, despite how stiff they are.

Of course, it would feel fantastic to take a cup of Ben & Jerry's ice cream at the finish of each twenty-four hours.

However, this doesn't mean that information technology's a good thought.

The aforementioned applies to the feelings you may have for your called 1.

Maybe you're and so fatigued to her that yous want to know everything most her.

This tin pb to you bombing her in napalm of questions like you're an interrogating FBI agent.

Do y'all have plans for the weekend?

How's school, college, work?

What did you lot do yesterday?… Actually?… And the 24-hour interval before yesterday?… Ah aye… And three days ago???

Your involvement is well-intentioned, merely in the best case, you'll reach that she ignores you lot or fifty-fifty ameliorate: Blocks you.



How would you like it if a rather strange dude put you on a hot seat shooting one question later on another – without even contributing anything to the conversation.

These questions include a stiff doubt on whether he's REALLY interested in an respond or whether he'due south just using them as an excuse to become whatever of your answers.

If your gut is whispering to you now:

"Human being, that would be f*cking needy and would get ho-hum pretty quick."

And then you're goddamn right with your conclusion.

So instead of just throwing out questions, it's a amend idea to share something every now and then.

I'll give y'all an effective example of this in the next tip.

Tip #2: Apply the power of THIS word for more success (co-ordinate to science)

Sometimes success can exist and so fabulously simple.

Studies done on online dating have shown that you lot can get more than matches with a certain word – which implies how powerful this elementary can be for EVERY i of your interactions.

"Tell me, Dan. What give-and-take are you talking virtually?"

It'due south quite unproblematic:


Love is the sweet nectar that every lad and seƱorita on this earth wants to taste.

But how do you lot integrate it into your conversations?

Maybe in the class of 3,000-character declarations of love?


What you should instead do (if you want to turn a profit from these studies) is the post-obit:

Add together an emotional twist to neutral sentences.

For example, if she tells y'all about a passion for which you're just as passionate, then text:

Oh, absurd. I similar that, too.

Something like:

This style, you mix your text with a portion of emotions and go far seem more alive.

The beauty of it?

If your lady likes you, the higher the chances are that she'll signalize this subconsciously by adopting your expression.

>> 10 All-time Tinder Chat Starters by Online Dating Experts.


Hither yous go:

This dazzler sends me a funny song which is along the lines about this: "Yous must have money; otherwise, I'grand not interested in you."

As you can see, I answer her "dear it" while she reflects my reaction in her adjacent text. Nice.

I ship her a moving-picture show.

A existent stroke of genius isn't information technology?!

If I ask such stupid questions, "the snapshot" is, of course, anything but interesting.

The "genius" lies more in the remark to the moving-picture show with which I tease her.

Every bit you tin can easily see, y'all don't need to have the craziest photos at mitt to enjoy yourself.

Perhaps now you feel a little pressured and call up:

"Yeah, I can see how easy it is for you to be funny. But what exercise I do if I can't remember of anything funny to say?"

Excellent question, bro.

I'll answer information technology at present.

Tip #three: Seductive letters that will spice upward your conversation (How to seduce a girl over text examples)

There are moments when your text-dorsum-and-forth is more captivating than an episode of Game Of Thrones.

Just sometimes the air is merely out.

The conversation is bursting with blandness as you try in vain to proceeds new momentum.

Permit's be existent: It has happened to all of us before.

Yes, even your outrageously competent dating omnibus over hither.

And it's likewise completely normal that conversations have their ups and downs.

The only important thing is that this doesn't remain a permanent state, and y'all know how to get the fire going again with your mademoiselle.

One of your most powerful wingmen is probably this one:

Your gallery.

Information technology's the formidable place on your smartphone where y'all tin can store the all-time photos, GIFs, and videos.

Y'all can create as much emotion with a photo or video as with 1,000 advisedly chosen words.

>>15 Subtle Signs How to Tell if a Girl Likes You Over Text / Tinder / WhatsApp / Messenger.

Allow me give you an example:

Allow's say you fantasize with a lady about the places y'all want to visit, while the first thing you lot accept to call back about is the northern lights.

Now, you lot could either depict to her in a text how the northern lights wait like, or you could ship her a saved GIF from the cyberspace:

With videos, you go one step further. Subsequently all, you lot stimulate her ears at the same time.


Earlier you lot now start euphorically sending out your four-twelvemonth-old pictures from your scout bout in the mountains…

… or final nighttime's shoot where your best buddy surprises a lamppost with his vomit…

… read on.

Your photos, GIFs, or videos should be able to answer at least one of these two questions with a "Yes," otherwise yous'll well-nigh probable not achieve anything with them.

  1. Does the image/ GIF/ video have the potential to trigger emotions in her?
  2. Does she go an insight into your life through this film/ GIF/ video?

While question #2 may sound relatively cocky-explanatory to y'all, yous may exist on the edge of your seat at #ane.

Merely don't worry.

>> These vii Tips Saved Me from Awkwardness on the Get-go Meeting.

Uncle Dan brought you an example:

Do y'all have a cat that rewards your affection in a "special way"?

For example, send your flame a selfie from information technology in your arms, followed by an:

I don't know why my cat loves me and then much.


The foam in your cappuccino is shaped like a palm tree? Then accept a motion picture of it and write

The universe tells me I need a vacation.

Even an empty curd cheese cup tin can work wonders, as I showed yous in the previous tip eXtREmEly sPecTaCuLAr.

With all my examples, y'all answer both the higher up questions with a huge "YES."

Through your own hand recordings, she gets an insight into your life, and through your text, yous add a nuance of humour/ cocky-irony to the whole thing and make your message a seductive cocktail.

Almost too easy, right?

Tip #4: "All in position… and Action!"

If yous dear watching series on YouTube, Netflix, or wherever, you can plough your fondness into aureate.

A woman from the following conversation got to know our Belgian coach Louis through Badoo (dating app).

In her contour text, she wrote that she'southward "in search of her Chandler."

In case you can't effigy information technology out still: She refers to i of the main characters of the Friends series.

Considering he used to be a gigantic nerd himself, Louis had an effortless start.

He starts with role-playing and pretends that she's his Monica (Chandler's beloved of life and married woman of the sitcom).

And precisely the same principle I recommend for your conversations.

By giving her (and yous) a grapheme part, you tin create a strong connection between you lot.

If you lot're smart, yous choose characters who are or have been together.

For example, you can draw to her how you, Bonnie and Clyde, take over the world through criminal activities.

Back to our Badoo, Miss.

>> How to Hookup with a Girl – from 'Hi' to Hookup in nine Steps.

Here you tin see what Louis wrote:

She starts the conversation on WhatsApp after he gives her his number on Badoo.

The part-play is already running, which is why she calls him "Chandler."

Thereupon Louis makes an inside joke, referring to a famous episode in which Ross sleeps with some other adult female. Rachel accuses him of cheating, while Ross claims they were on a intermission.

"Nosotros WERE ON A Break."

In his final message, yous tin see him asking her out.

If y'all want to know how to go her on a date, listen advisedly…

Tip #5: She doesn't text back? Practice THIS

This is, unfortunately, a painful problem that you lot'll have to bargain with sooner or later: She stops replying out of the blue.

In that location tin be countless reasons for this:

  • She'south busy every bit f*ck with her task or is in an examination phase
  • Her week is more planned than Donald Trump'southward calendar (and she has to go to weddings, birthdays or visit her family unit, for example)
  • She has a bipolar disorder and is currently lost in negative thoughts (I know it sounds crazy, but that's how life can be)
  • Someone in her circle of acquaintances is seriously ill and doesn't prioritize you lot over him/her (which of course you can't arraign her for)
  • A homeless human being stole her mobile phone while she was tying her shoes (Fun fact: This actually happened to a friend of mine recently…)
  • Or, or, or, or…

As you can see, amigo, you don't always accept to be the reason why she thinks it'southward a good idea non to contact you right now.

>> 9 Ways to Flirt with a Female Friend Without Making It Weird.

In addition, there'southward the following:

Most probable, your chica Bonita volition be spammed by dozens of men every day via social media (especially if she's cute).

It's no wonder she misses your last letters.

So calm downwardly!

Wait before y'all bombard her with three new messages. Otherwise, you'll quickly wait like a needy lapdog that goes crazy if information technology doesn't get any attending for a moment.

Wait for at least 24 to 48 hours before you think about contacting her once again.

In many cases, she'll come up back to you as if by magic (especially if your chat has been extraordinary so far).

And then if there'south 1 thing I want you to remember from this tip, it's this:

Don't be him…

If in that location's still a yawning emptiness in your inbox after two days, I allow yous to hitting her upwards again.

What tin you text her?

Well, I wouldn't exist your favorite dating coach if I didn't leave you any inspiration.

The following screenshot is from a conversation with a cute tinder lady.

We were about to gear up a date for our rendezvous…

Absolutely, I forgot well-nigh her also, then I only realized 4 days later that she had non contacted me nonetheless.

At which point I sent her the post-obit message:

As you can meet, I acquit quite honestly and shamelessly towards her – but without being disrespectful (!).

And I advise you lot do the same.

Pro tip:

If you're sending a relatively dominant or provocative message, you can give your text a certain amount of lightheartedness past adding "innocent" emojis like shooting stars, fairies, or white doves.

Does that sound trite?


Does it still make the bulletin appear much more lighthearted?

F*ck, yeah!

So, don't be ashamed to be radically honest with her and let yourself inspire past my more than provocative (but accurate) bulletin.

In the worst case, she respects your openness and appreciates your authenticity.

Tip #6: How to easily become her interested in a date (Seducing through text messages decoded)

Mind, bro.

I'm non going to pretend.

When it comes to asking women out on a date, countless f*ckups tin get in your manner if you don't accept a clue, which can ruin your chances with her.

I could write you a complete guide on how to ask a woman for a date effectively.



I already take.

You can discover it here:

>> The 9 Keys to WhatsApp Flirting + Hands Stealable Texts

De nada.

Tip #7: How to make your appointment a glorious success

As much as I take to suppress a man's tear, we've now about reached the end of this article.

If you lot apply all the previous tips to seduce women over text, you'll be rewarded with a tight agenda full of dates in no fourth dimension.

Simply similar Mahatma Gandhi already said.

"With corking ability comes nifty responsibility."

Or was it Uncle Ben from Spiderman?

Anyway… it's nice to know how to fill your weeks with Bueno rendezvous.

However, this is of petty utilise to you lot if you lot take no idea nigh how to make your dates fruitful in the first place.

After all, texting is one matter, facing an intimidatingly hot woman at a date is another.

You'll most likely be more nervous than an acrophobic person before a bungee leap. (a person with a fear of heights)

So, you lot need a waterproof plan that's a faithful guide in situations where you're overwhelmed, insecure, or nervous.

However, this wouldn't be an AttractionGym commodity if I didn't provide yous with exactly that in the course of a gratuitous Transformation Kit.

Click here to be amend equipped for your dates than a samurai.

Go your Transformation Kit for costless here.

Your bro,
Dan de Ram

Stop bad-mannered conversations
and painful rejections

My free Transformation Kit will brand y'all irresistible to women.

  • 12 Opening Lines that Really Work
  • 5 Appointment Generating Texting Tips (Plus Copy-Paste Lines for Tinder)
  • The Friendzone Escape-Room Trick

Yes, give me the Transformation Kit!


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